Wednesday, July 16, 2014

John Dewey's Pedagogic Creed

I think that John Dewey's view on education is very applicable in today's society even though it was written over 100 years ago. Much of what is wrong today, is that public education is not seen as a good education. We are losing our faith in public education, so that we cannot see it is a vehicle for social change. Public education is at the very roots of democracy because in it's ideal form is an equalizer, but this is not the case in reality. Dewey does a good job in describing how school is more than just about schooling.

The school today is very content focused, as seen in the increased importance being put on standardized tests. Teachers can lose their jobs if their students do not perform well on these tests. I think with this, we lose the other side of education and teaching. We forget that educators are there to make whole, happy students, not just students who can do well on tests. In John Dewey's Pedagogic Creed, he emphasizes the importance of the social aspect in school. This is the main thing that jumped out at me because judging by the structure of schools, that aspect is not accentuated in today's public schools. When describing what a school is, Dewey focuses on forming future citizens and making them instrumental pieces in social change. During this section he doesn't focus on students being able to do algebra, but that they should have good morals and be able to function as a part of society. I think this is put in the foreground of our education system because it is so focused on learning content in terms of English, Math, Science, etc. Content is also very important, but it cannot be the only focus.

John Dewey says, "I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living". I think this statement is a radical thing to say at this time in our education system. Schools are so focused on getting students ready to take tests and college that they don't make school a part of their life. School is seen as a means to an end. You have to go to school so that you can get a good job, and support your family. While teaching students, that going to college is a great goal to have, it also needs to be clear that middle and high school are important parts of their lives as well.

Dewey sees school more as a place where children form their identities, and not just for schooling. Normally this is what happens regardless of whether or not this is emphasized, but students don't make it part of their current life. Schooling needs to become more of a part of the present, and not so much as a way to their future. It is almost like we are in constant preparation for our life to start. The attitude of living in the present should start in schools.

 "I believe that every teacher should realize the dignity of his calling; that he is a social servant set apart for the maintenance of proper social order and the securing of the right social growth" - John Dewey
He places the very huge responsibility of social change on the shoulders of educators and schools. He does place this enormous feat on educators, and at the same time he respects and admires the work that teachers do as well. Dewey puts the profession of teachers on a very high level; he sees teachers as being the instruments to help solve world problems. I agree with this. I think that we have public education as a way to equalize society in that anyone can be successful. While currently this is not the case, with education reform and the new movements to help urban schools, I think eventually it could ensure equity. We educate children so that they can make positive changes to society because they are our future.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post Anna! I agree that it would be a good exercise to approach school as an act of living as opposed to an act of preparing for living. One point which I find very interesting in Dewey's philosophy (and with which I am not sure I completely agree) is the role of the school in forming good "citizens." Citizens of what? the United States? Michigan? the world? And furthermore, should good citizenry be something the schools are looking to promote, or should they be looking to promote the growth of students as well-rounded individuals, neither emphasizing nor de-emphasizing citizenry.
